Changelog ========= 0.14.1 - February 11th, 2024 ---------------------------- :ELF: * Fix regression in Symbol Version Definition processing (:issue:`1014`) :PE: * Address :issue:`1016` by creating aliases: - :attr:`lief.PE.ContentInfo.digest` to :attr:`lief.PE.SpcIndirectData.digest` - :attr:`lief.PE.ContentInfo.digest_algorithm` to :attr:`lief.PE.SpcIndirectData.digest_algorithm` :Python: * Fix regression in iterator's performances 0.14.0 - January 20, 2024 ------------------------- :ELF: * Add support for the GNU note properies (:issue:`975`). :Example: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.ELF.parse("...") note = elf.get(lief.ELF.Note.TYPE.GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0) aarch64_feat: lief.ELF.AArch64Feature = note.find(lief.ELF.NoteGnuProperty.Property.TYPE.AARCH64_FEATURES) if lief.ELF.AArch64Feature.FEATURE.BTI in aarch64_feat.features: print("BTI supported") See: - :class:`lief.ELF.NoteGnuProperty` - :class:`lief.ELF.AArch64Feature` - :class:`lief.ELF.NoteNoCopyOnProtected` - :class:`lief.ELF.StackSize` - :class:`lief.ELF.X86Features` - :class:`lief.ELF.X86ISA` * Refactoring of the ELF note processing * Fix relocation issue when using `-Wl,--emit-relocs` (c.f. :issue:`897` / :pr:`898` by :github_user:`adamjseitz`) * Improve the computation of the dynamic symbols thanks to :github_user:`adamjseitz` (c.f. :issue:`922`) * Add support for the LoongArch architecture thanks to :github_user:`loongson-zn` (c.f. :pr:`921`) * Add a :class:`lief.ELF.ParserConfig` interface that can be used to tweak which parts of the ELF format should be parsed. :Example: .. code-block:: python config = lief.ELF.ParserConfig() # Skip parsing static and dynamic symbols config.parse_static_symbols = False config.parse_dyn_symbols = False elf = lief.ELF.parse("target.elf", config) :MachO: * The *fileset name* is now stored in :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.fileset_name` (instead of ``) :PE: * ``RESOURCE_SUBLANGS`` has been removed * ``RESOURCE_LANGS`` is now defined in a dedicated header: ``LIEF/PE/resources/langs.hpp`` * ``RESOURCE_TYPES`` is now scoped in ``ResourcesManager::TYPE`` * ``GUARD_CF_FLAGS`` is now scoped as :class:`~lief.PE.LoadConfigurationV1.IMAGE_GUARD` in :class:`lief.PE.LoadConfigurationV1` * ``SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS`` is now scoped within the :class:`~lief.PE.Section` class instead of being globally defined: .. code-block:: python # Before lief.PE.SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS.CNT_CODE # Now: lief.PE.Section.CHARACTERISTICS.CNT_CODE * ``DATA_DIRECTORY`` is now scoped within the :class:`~lief.PE.DataDirectory` class instead of being globally defined: .. code-block:: python # Before lief.PE.DATA_DIRECTORY.IAT # Now: lief.PE.DataDirectory.TYPES.IAT * ``MACHINE_TYPES`` and ``HEADER_CHARACTERISTICS`` are now scoped within the :class:`~lief.PE.Header` class instead of being globally defined: .. code-block:: python # Before lief.PE.MACHINE_TYPES.AMD64 # Now: lief.PE.Header.MACHINE_TYPES.AMD64 * :attr:`lief.PE.Header.characteristics` now returns a `list`/`std::vector` instead of a ``set``. * :attr:`lief.PE.OptionalHeader.dll_characteristics_lists` now returns a ``list``/``std::vector`` instead of a ``set``. * ``SUBSYSTEM`` and ``DLL_CHARACTERISTICS`` are now scoped within the :class:`~lief.PE.OptionalHeader` class instead of being globally defined: .. code-block:: python # Before lief.PE.SUBSYSTEM.NATIVE # Now: lief.PE.OptionalHeader.SUBSYSTEM.NATIVE * :attr:`lief.PE.DosHeader.used_bytes_in_the_last_page` has been renamed in :attr:`lief.PE.DosHeader.used_bytes_in_last_page` * Refactoring of the Debug directory processing: :class:`lief.PE.Debug` is now the root class of: :class:`lief.PE.CodeView` / :class:`lief.PE.CodeView`, :class:`lief.PE.Pogo`, :class:`lief.PE.Repro`. The parsing logic has been cleaned and the tests updated. * Add a :class:`lief.PE.ParserConfig` interface that can be used to tweak which parts of the PE format should be parsed (:issue:`839`). :Example: .. code-block:: python config = lief.PE.ParserConfig() # Skip parsing PE authenticode config.parse_signature = False pe = lief.PE.parse("pe.exe", config) :Abstraction: * `LIEF::EXE_FORMATS` is now scoped in `LIEF::Binary::FORMATS` * All the `Binary` classes now implement `classof`: .. code-block:: cpp std::unique_ptr bin = LIEF::Parser::parse("..."); if (LIEF::PE::Binary::classof(bin.get())) { auto& pe_file = static_cast(*bin); } :General Design: * Python parser functions (like: :func:`lief.PE.parse`) now accept `os.PathLike` arguments like `pathlib.Path` (:issue:`974`). * Remove the `` attribute * LIEF is now compiled with C++17 (the API remains C++11 compliant) * Switch to `nanobind `_ for the Python bindings. * CI are now more efficient. * The Python documentation for properties now contains the type of the property. 0.13.2 - June 17, 2023 ---------------------- :PE: Fix authenticode inconsitency (:issue:`932`) :ELF: Fix missing undef (:issue:`929`) 0.13.1 - May 28, 2023 ---------------------- :PE: * Fix PE authenticode verification issue in the case of special characters (:issue:`912`) :Misc: * Fix mypy stubs (:issue:`909`) * Fix missing include (:issue:`918`) * Fix C99 comments (:issue:`916`) * Fix AArch64 docker image (:issue:`904`) 0.13.0 - April 9, 2023 ---------------------- :ELF: * Fix overflow issue in segments (c.f. :issue:`845` found by :github_user:`liyansong2018`) * Fix missing relationship between symbols and sections (c.f. :issue:`841`) * Fix coredump parsing issue (c.f. :issue:`830` found by :github_user:`Lan1keA`) * Fix and (re)enable removing dynamic symbols (c.f. :issue:`828`) * Add support for `NT_GNU_BUILD_ATTRIBUTE_OPEN` and `NT_GNU_BUILD_ATTRIBUTE_FUNC` (c.f. :issue:`816`) * [CVE-2022-38497] Fix ELF core parsing issue (:issue:`766` found by :github_user:`CCWANG19`) * [CVE-2022-38306] Fix a heap overflow found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` (:issue:`763`) * :github_user:`aeflores` fixed an issue when there are multiple versions associated with a symbol (see: :issue:`749` for the details). * Handle binaries compiled with the `-static-pie` flag correctly (see: :issue:`747`) * Add support for modifying section-less binaries. The ELF :class:`~lief.ELF.Section` objects gain the :meth:`lief.ELF.Section.as_frame` method which defines the section as a *framed* section. A framed section is a section that concretely does not wraps data and can be corrupted. :Example: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("/bin/ssh") text = elf.get_section(".text").as_frame() # We can now corrupt all the fields of the section text.offset = 0xdeadc0de text.size = 0xffffff text.address = 0x123 elf.write("/tmp/out") * Add API to precisely define how the segments table should be relocated. One might want to enforce a certain ELF layout while adding sections/ segments. It is now possible to call the method: :meth:`~lief.ELF.Binary.relocate_phdr_table` to define how the segments table should be relocated for welcoming the new sections/segments: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("...") # Enforce a specific relocation type: # The new segments table will be shift at the end # of the file elf.relocate_phdr_table(Binary.PHDR_RELOC.FILE_END) # Add sections/segments # [...] elf.write("out.elf") See: - :meth:`lief.ELF.Binary.relocate_phdr_table` - :class:`lief.ELF.Binary.PHDR_RELOC` :MachO: * Add :attr:`~lief.MachO.Binary.rpaths` iterator (:issue:`291`) * Add support for parsing Mach-O in memory * Fix a memory issue (found by :github_user:`bladchan` via :issue:`806`) * [CVE-2022-40923] Fix parsing issue (:issue:`784` found by :github_user:`bladchan`) * [CVE-2022-40922] Fix parsing issue (:issue:`781` found by :github_user:`bladchan`) * [CVE-2022-38307] Fix a segfault when the Mach-O binary does not have segments (found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` via :issue:`764`) * Enable to create exports * Fix the layout of the binaries modified by LIEF such as they can be (re)signed. * Add support for `LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS` and `LC_DYLD_EXPORTS_TRIE` * Global enhancement when modifying the `__LINKEDIT` content * Add API to get a :class:`~lief.MachO.Section` from a specified segment's name and section's name. :Example: .. code-block:: python sec = bin.get_section("__DATA", "__objc_metadata") * Add API to remove a :class:`~lief.MachO.Section` from a specified segment's name and section's name. :Example: .. code-block:: python sec = bin.remove_section("__DATA", "__objc_metadata") * Add :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.page_size` :PE: * The Python API now returns `bytes` objects instead of `List[int]` * Remove :meth:`lief.PE.ResourceNode.sort_by_id` * Fix the ordering of children of :class:`~lief.PE.ResourceNode` * Remove deprecated functions related to PE hooking. * Add support for new PE LoadConfiguration structures. :DEX: * Fix multiple parsing issues raised by :github_user:`bladchan` :Other: * [CVE-2022-38497]: :issue:`765` found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` * [CVE-2022-38495]: :issue:`767` found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` :General Design: * :github_user:`ZehMatt` added the support to write LIEF binaries object through a `std::ostream` interface (:commit:`9d55f538602989c69454639565910884c5c5ac7c`) * Remove the exceptions * The library contains less static initializers which should improve the loading time. :Python Bindings: * Move to a build system compliant with ``pyproject.toml`` * Provide typing stubs: :issue:`650` * PyPI releases no longer provide source distribution (`sdist`) :Dependencies: * Move to spdlog 1.11.0 * Move to `Pybind11 - 2.10.1 `_ * Move to nlohmann/json 3.11.2 * Move to MbedTLS 3.2.1 * Move to utfcpp 3.2.1 0.12.3 - November 1, 2022 ------------------------- This release contains several security fixes: * [CVE-2022-38497] Fix ELF core parsing issue (:issue:`766` found by :github_user:`CCWANG19`) * [CVE-2022-38306] Fix a heap overflow found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` (:issue:`763`) * Fix a memory issue (found by :github_user:`bladchan` via :issue:`806`) * [CVE-2022-40923] Fix parsing issue (:issue:`784` found by :github_user:`bladchan`) * [CVE-2022-40922] Fix parsing issue (:issue:`781` found by :github_user:`bladchan`) * [CVE-2022-38307] Fix a segfault when the Mach-O binary does not have segments (found by :github_user:`CCWANG19` via :issue:`764`) 0.12.1 - April 08, 2022 ------------------------ :ELF: * Fix section inclusion calculations (:pr:`692`) :PE: * Fix parsing regressions (:issue:`689`, :issue:`687`, :issue:`686`, :issue:`685`, :issue:`691`, :issue:`693`) :Compilation: * Nightly builds are now upload to Saleway's S3 server: - - * Fix `GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1` ABI issue (see: :issue:`683`) 0.12.0 - March 25, 2022 ----------------------- :ELF: * :github_user:`ahaensler` added the support to insert and assign a :class:`lief.ELF.SymbolVersionAuxRequirement` (see: :pr:`670`) * Enhance the ELF parser to support corner cases described by `netspooky `_ in : - (*84 byte aarch64 ELF*) - (*Some ELF Parser Bugs*) * New ELF Builder which is more efficient in terms of speed and in terms of number of segments added when modifying binaries (see: * :github_user:`Clcanny` improved (see :pr:`507` and :pr:`509`) the reconstruction of the dynamic symbol table by sorting local symbols and non-exported symbols. It fixes the following warning when parsing a modified binary with ``readelf`` .. code-block:: text Warning: local symbol 29 found at index >= .dynsym's sh_info value of 1 :MachO: * Change the layout of the binaries generated by LIEF such as they are compliant with ``codesign`` checks * The API to configure the MachO parser has been redesigned to provide a better granularity .. code-block:: python config = lief.MachO.ParserConfig() config.parse_dyld_bindings = False config.parse_dyld_exports = True config.parse_dyld_rebases = False lief.MachO.parse("/tmp/big.macho", config) * :github_user:`LucaMoroSyn` added the support for the ``LC_FILESET_ENTRY``. This command is usually found in kernel cache files * ``LIEF::MachO::Binary::get_symbol`` now returns a pointer (instead of a reference). If the symbol can't be found, it returns a nullptr. * Add API to select a :class:`~lief.MachO.Binary` from a :class:`~lief.MachO.FatBinary` by its architecture. See: :meth:`lief.MachO.FatBinary.take`. .. code-block:: python fat = lief.MachO.parse("/bin/ls") fit = fat.take(lief.MachO.CPU_TYPES.x86_64) * Handle the `0x0D` binding opcode (see: :issue:`524`) * :github_user:`xhochy` fixed performances issues in the Mach-O parser (see :pr:`579`) :PE: * Adding :attr:`lief.PE.OptionalHeader.computed_checksum` that re-computes the :attr:`lief.PE.OptionalHeader.checksum` (c.f. issue :issue:`660`) * Enable to recompute the :class:`~lief.PE.RichHeader` (issue: :issue:`587`) - :meth:`~lief.PE.RichHeader.raw` - :meth:`~lief.PE.RichHeader.hash` * Add support for PE's delayed imports. see: - :class:`~lief.PE.DelayImport` / :class:`~lief.PE.DelayImportEntry` - :attr:`~lief.PE.Binary.delay_imports` * :attr:`lief.PE.LoadConfiguration.reserved1` has been aliased to :attr:`lief.PE.LoadConfiguration.dependent_load_flags` * :attr:`lief.PE.LoadConfiguration.characteristics` has been aliased to :attr:`lief.PE.LoadConfiguration.size` * Thanks to :github_user:`gdesmar`, we updated the PE checks to support PE files that have a corrupted :attr:`lief.PE.OptionalHeader.magic` (cf. :issue:`644`) :DEX: * :github_user:`DanielFi` added support for DEX's fields (see: :pr:`547`) :Abstraction: * Abstract binary imagebase for PE, ELF and Mach-O (:attr:`lief.Binary.imagebase`) * Add :meth:`lief.Binary.offset_to_virtual_address` * Add PE imports/exports as *abstracted* symbols :Compilation & Integration: * :github_user:`ekilmer` updated and modernized the CMake integration files through the PR: :pr:`674` * Enable to use a pre-compiled version of spdlog. This feature aims at improving compilation time when developing on LIEF. One can provide path to spdlog install through: .. code-block:: console $ python ./ --spdlog-dir=path/to/lib/cmake/spdlog [...] # or $ cmake -DLIEF_EXTERNAL_SPDLOG=ON -Dspdlog_DIR=path/to/lib/cmake/spdlog ... * Enable to feed LIEF's dependencies externally (c.f. :ref:`lief_third_party`) * Replace the keywords ``and``, ``or``, ``not`` with ``&&``, ``||`` and ``!``. :Dependencies: * Upgrade to MbedTLS 3.1.0 * Upgrade Catch2 to 2.13.8 * The different dependencies can be *linked* externally (cf. above and :ref:`lief_third_party`) :Documentation: * New section about the errors handling (:ref:`err_handling`) and the upcoming deprecation of the exceptions. * New section about how to compile LIEF for debugging/developing. See: :ref:`lief_debug` :General Design: :span: LIEF now exposes Section/Segment's data through a `span` interface. As `std::span` is available in the STL from C++20 and the LIEF public API aims at being C++11 compliant, we expose this `span` thanks to `tcbrindle/span `_. This new interface enables to avoid copies of ``std::vector`` which can be costly. With this new interface, the original ``std::vector`` can be retrieved as follows: .. code-block:: cpp auto bin = LIEF::ELF::Parser::parse("/bin/ls"); if (const auto* section = bin->get_section(".text")) { LIEF::span text_ref = section->content(); std::vector copy = {std::begin(text_ref), std::end(text_ref)}; } In Python, span are wrapped by a **read-only** `memory view `_. The original *list of bytes* can be retrieved as follows: .. code-block:: python bin = lief.parse("/bin/ls") section = bin.get_section(".text") if section is not None: memory_view = section.content list_of_bytes = list(memory_view) :Exceptions: .. warning:: We started to refactor the API and the internal design to remove C++ exceptions. These changes are described a the dedicated blog (`LIEF RTTI & Exceptions `_) To highlighting the content of the blog for the end users, functions that returned a **reference and which threw an exception** in the case of a failure are now returning a **pointer that is set to nullptr** in the case of a failure. If we consider this original code: .. code-block:: cpp LIEF::MachO::Binary& bin = ...; try { LIEF::MachO::UUIDCommand& cmd = bin.uuid(); std::cout << cmd << "\n"; } catch (const LIEF::not_found&) { // ... dedicated processing } // Other option with has_uuid() if (bin.has_uuid()) { LIEF::MachO::UUIDCommand& cmd = bin.uuid(); std::cout << cmd << "\n"; } It can now be written as: .. code-block:: cpp LIEF::MachO::Binary& bin = ...; if (LIEF::MachO::UUIDCommand* cmd = bin.uuid();) { std::cout << *cmd << "\n"; } else { // ... dedicated processing as it is a nullptr } // Other option with has_uuid() if (bin.has_uuid()) { // It ensures that it is not a nullptr LIEF::MachO::UUIDCommand& cmd = *bin.uuid(); std::cout << cmd << "\n"; } .. seealso:: - :ref:`C++ API for errors handling ` - :ref:`Python API for errors handling ` - `List of the functions that changed `_ 0.11.X - Patch Releases ----------------------- .. _release-0115: 0.11.5 - May 22, 2021 ********************* * Remove usage of ``not`` in public headers (:commit:`b8e825b464418de385146bb3f89ef6126f4de5d4`) :ELF: * :github_user:`pdreiter` fixed the issue :issue:`418` :PE: * Fix issue when computing :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.sizeof_headers` (:commit:`ab3f073ac0c60d8453070f83dd4dc04fe60aa0a5`) :MachO: * Fix error on property :attr:`lief.MachO.BuildVersion.sdk` (see :issue:`533`) .. _release-0114: 0.11.4 - March 09, 2021 *********************** :PE: * Fix missing bound check when computing the authentihash .. _release-0113: 0.11.3 - March 03, 2021 *********************** :PE: * Add sanity check on the signature's length that could lead to a ``std::bad_alloc`` exception .. _release-0112: 0.11.2 - February 24, 2021 ************************** :PE: * Fix regression in the behavior of the PE section's name. One can now access the full section's name (with trailing bytes) through :attr:`lief.PE.Section.fullname` (see: :issue:`551`) .. _release-0111: 0.11.1 - February 22, 2021 ************************** :PE: * :meth:`lief.PE.x509.is_trusted_by` and :meth:`lief.PE.x509.verify` now return a better :attr:`lief.PE.x509.VERIFICATION_FLAGS` instead of just :attr:`lief.PE.x509.VERIFICATION_FLAGS.BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED` (see: :issue:`532`) * Fix errors in the computation of the Authentihash .. _release-0110: 0.11.0 - January 19, 2021 ------------------------- :ELF: * :github_user:`mkomet` updated enums related to Android (see: :commit:`9dd641d380a5defd0a71a9f42dde2fe9c9cb1dbd`) * :github_user:`aeflores` added MIPS relocations support in the ELF parser * Fix :meth:`~lief.ELF.Binary.extend` on a ELF section (cf. issue :issue:`477`) * Fix issue when exporting symbols on empty-gnu-hash ELF binary (:commit:`1381f9a115e6e312ac0ab3deb46a78e481b81796`) * Fix reconstruction issue when the binary is prelinked (cf. issue :issue:`466`) * Add ``DF_1_PIE`` flag * Fix parsing issue of the ``.eh_frame`` section when the base address is not 0. * :github_user:`JanuszL` enhanced the algorithm that computes the string table. It moves from a ``N^2`` algorithm to a ``Nlog(N)`` (:commit:`1e0c4e81d4a3fd7282713f111193e42f198f8967`). * Fix ``.eh_frame`` parsing issue (:commit:`b57f32333a85d0f172206bc5d20aabe2d7942738`) * :github_user:`aeflores` fixed parsing issue in ELF relocations (:commit:`6c53646bb790acf28f2999527eafad30db7d6b69`) * Add ``PT_GNU_PROPERTY`` enum * Bug fix in the symbols table reconstruction (ELF) :PE: * Enhance PE Authenticode. See `PE Authenticode `_ * :func:`~lief.PE.get_imphash` can now generate the same value as pefile and Virus Total (:issue:`299`) .. code-block:: python pe = lief.parse("example.exe") vt_imphash = lief.PE.get_imphash(pe, lief.PE.IMPHASH_MODE.PEFILE) lief_imphash = lief.PE.get_imphash(pe, lief.PE.IMPHASH_MODE.DEFAULT) .. seealso:: :class:`lief.PE.IMPHASH_MODE` and :func:`lief.PE.get_imphash` * Remove the padding entry (0) from the rich header * :attr:`~lief.PE.LangCodeItem.items` now returns a dictionary for which the values are **bytes** (instead of ``str`` object). This change is related to ``utf-16`` support. * :github_user:`kohnakagawa` fixed wrong enums values: :commit:`c03125045e32a9cd65c613585eb4d0385350c6d2`, :commit:`6ee808a1e4611d09c6cf0aea82a612be69584db9`, :commit:`cd05f34bae681fc8af4b5e7cc28eaef816802b6f` * :github_user:`kohnakagawa` fixed a bug in the PE resources parser (:commit:`a7254d1ba935783f16effbc7faddf993c57e82f7`) * Handle PE forwarded exports (issue :issue:`307`) :Mach-O: * Add API to access either ``LC_CODE_SIGNATURE`` or ``DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS`` (issue :issue:`476`) * Fix issue when parsing twice a Mach-O file (issue :issue:`479`) :Dependencies: * Replace ``easyloggingpp`` with `spdlog 1.8.1 `_ * Upgrade ``frozen`` to 1.0.0 * Upgrade ``json`` to 3.7.3 * Upgrade ``pybind11`` to 2.6.0 * Upgrade ``mbedtls`` to 2.16.6 :Documentation: * :github_user:`aguinet` updated the `bin2lib tutorial `_ with the support of the new glibc versions (:commit:`7884e57aa1d103f3bd37682e47f412bfe7a3aa34`) * Global update and enable to build the documentation out-of-tree * Changing the theme :Misc: * Add Python 3.9 support * ``FindLIEF.cmake`` deprecates ``LIEF_ROOT``. You should use ``LIEF_DIR`` instead. :Logging: We changed the logging interface. The following log levels have been removed: - LOG_GLOBAL - LOG_FATAL - LOG_VERBOSE - LOG_UNKNOWN We also moved from an class-interface based to functions. Example: .. code-block:: python lief.logging.disable() lief.logging.enable() lief.logging.set_level(lief.logging.LOGGING_LEVEL.INFO) See: :func:`lief.logging.set_level` .. note:: The log functions now output on ``stderr`` instead of ``stdout`` 0.10.1 - November 29, 2019 -------------------------- - Fix regression in parsing Python ``bytes`` - Add Python API to demangle strings: ``lief.demangle`` 0.10.0 - November 24, 2019 -------------------------- :ELF: * Add build support for ELF notes * Add coredump support (:commit:`9fc3a8a43358f608cf18ddbe341e1d94b13cb9e0`) * Enable to bind a relocation with a symbol (:commit:`a9f3cb8f9b4a1f2cdaa95eee4568ff0b162f77cd`) :Example: .. code-block:: python relocation = "..." symbol = lief.ELF.Symbol() = "printf123" relocation.symbol = symbol * Add constructors (:commit:`67d924a2206c36cb9979d8b1b194b03b2d592e71`) * Expose ELF destructors (:commit:`957384cd361c4a485470f877658af2bf052dbe0a`) * Add ``remove_static_symbol`` (:commit:`c6779702b1fec3c67b0c19a36576830fe18bd9d9`) * Add support for static relocation writing (:commit:`d1b98d69ade662e2471ce2905bf3fb247dfc3143`) * Expose function to get strings located in the ``.rodata`` section (:commit:`02f4851c9f0c2bfa6fb4f51dab393a1db83b4851`) * Export ELF ABI version (:commit:`8d7ec26a93800b0729c2c05be8c55c8318ba3b20`) :PE: * Improve PE Authenticode parsing (:commit:`535623de3aa4f8ddc34536331b802e2cbdc44faf`) * Fix alignment issue when removing a PE section (:commit:`04dddd371080d731fab965b127cb15a91c57d53c`) * Parse PE debug data directory as a list of debug entries (by :github_user:`1orenz0` - :commit:`fcc75dd87982e52d77a1c7ee7e674741a199e41b`) * Add support to parse POGO debug entries (by :github_user:`1orenz0` - :commit:`3537440b8d0da6c9c3d00c25f7da8a04f29154d2`) :Mach-O: * Enhance Mach-O modifications by exposing an API to: - Add load commands - Add sections - Add segments See: :commit:`406115c8d097da0b61f00b2bb7b2442322ffc5d1` * Enable ``write()`` on FAT Mach-O (:commit:`16595316fd588619ea39b942817d6527e0601fbd`) * Introduce Mach-O Build Version command (:commit:`6f967238fcd369210839605ab08c30d647a09a65`) * Enable to remove Mach-O symbols (:commit:`616d739da513092e9ab7446654414b0929d5d5cf`) * Add support for adding ``LC_UNIXTHREAD`` commands in a MachO (by :github_user:`nezetic` - :commit:`64d2597284149441fc734b251648ca917cd816e3`) :Abstract Layer: * Expose ``remove_section()`` in the abstract layer (:commit:`918438c6bee52c8421d809bc3b42974165e5fa0b`) * Expose ``write()`` in the abstract layer (:commit:`af4d48ed2e1f1b96687644f2fc4661fcbdb979a6`) * Expose API to list functions found in a binary (:commit:`b5a08463ad63811e9e9432812406aadd74ab8c09`) :Android: * Add partial support for Android 9 (:commit:`bce9ebe17064b1ca16b00dc14eebb5d5dd440184`) :Misc: * :github_user:`lkollar` added support for Python 3.8 in CI (Linux & OSX only) * Update Pybind11 dependency to ``v2.4.3`` * Enhance Python install (see: :ref:`v10-label`) * Thanks to :github_user:`lkollar`, Linux CI now produces **manylinux1-compliant wheels** Many thanks to the contributors: :github_user:`recvfrom`, :github_user:`pbrunet`, :github_user:`mackncheesiest`, :github_user:`wisk`, :github_user:`nezetic`, :github_user:`lkollar`, :github_user:`jbremer`, :github_user:`DaLynX`, :github_user:`1orenz0`, :github_user:`breadchris`, :github_user:`0xbf00`, :github_user:`unratito`, :github_user:`strazzere`, :github_user:`aguinetqb`, :github_user:`mingwandroid`, :github_user:`serge-sans-paille-qb`, :github_user:`yrp604`, :github_user:`majin42`, :github_user:`KOLANICH` 0.9.0 - June 11, 2018 --------------------- LIEF 0.9 comes with new formats related to Android: OAT, DEX, VDEX and ART. It also fixes bugs and thanks to :github_user:`yd0b0N`, ELF parser now supports big and little endian binaries. We also completed the JSON serialization of LIEF objects. Features ******** :MachO: * Enable to configure the Mach-O parser for quick parsing: :commit:`880b99aeef825786dd65aed286d7c4d23b62f564` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.EncryptionInfo` command: :commit:`f4e2d81bfe84238d463bdb65297c296635e783b1` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.RPathCommand` command: :commit:`196994dc089885ff2f1268e51f5514f7fcbc5cff` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.DataInCode` command: :commit:`a16e1c4d13c7071fabe6a5a46b6d6c0fd9565b72` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.SubFramework` command: :commit:`9e3b5b45f78cc075f2192c245247af00b88b5e3c` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.SegmentSplitInfo` command: :commit:`9e3b5b45f78cc075f2192c245247af00b88b5e3c` * Add :class:`lief.MachO.DyldEnvironment` command: :commit:`9e3b5b45f78cc075f2192c245247af00b88b5e3c` * API to show export-trie, rebase and binding opcodes: :commit:`5d56141061bfc27e3c971e9e474dc86fdaf0c6a9` :PE: * Add PE Code View: :commit:`eab4a7614fdf6e9a180b1c638903310da0b83118` :ELF: * Add support for ```` section: :commit:`d13db18214006ce654b723a882f70c3d7eabd20d` * Enable to add unlimited number of dynamic entries: :commit:`a40da3e3b4b985b18a6e6026d594f524b7bae963` * Add support for PPC relocations: :commit:`08b514191f661eeabbdf8ecacd1d7dd35a67ca54` * Endianness support: :commit:`e794ac1502ee7636755bd441923368f88525a7d0` API *** * :func:`lief.breakp` and :func:`` * :func:`lief.parse` now support ``io`` streams as input * Parser now returns a ``std::unique_ptr`` instead of a raw pointer: :commit:`cd1cc457cf3d63cfc5faa945657887200cedb8b3` Misc **** * Use `frozen `_ for some internal ``std::map`` (If C++14 is supported by the compiler) Acknowledgements **************** * :github_user:`yd0b0N` for :pr:`162` and :pr:`166` (Endianness support and PPC relocations) * :github_user:`0xbf00` for :pr:`128` (``LC_RPATH`` command) * :github_user:`illera88` for :pr:`118` 0.8.3 ----- * [Mach-O] Fix typo on comparison operator - :commit:`abbc264833894973f601f700b3abcc109904f722` 0.8.2 ----- * [ELF] Increase the upper limit of relocation number - :commit:`077bc329bdcc249cb8ed0b8bcb9630e1c9eede94` 0.8.1 - October 18, 2017 ------------------------ * Fix an alignment issue in the ELF builder. See :commit:`8db199c04e9e6bcdbda165ab5c42d88218a0beb6` * Add assertion on the setuptools version: :commit:`62e5825e27bb637c2f42f4d05690a100213beb03` 0.8.0 - October 16, 2017 ------------------------ LIEF 0.8.0 mainly improves the MachO parser and the ELF builder. It comes with `Dockerfiles `_ for `CentOS `_ and `Android `_. `LibFuzzer `_ has also been integrated in the project to enhance the parsers Features ******** :Abstract Layer: * :class:`~lief.Relocation` are now abstracted from the 3 formats - :commit:`9503f2fc7b6c14bebd4c220bda4a243d87f14bd1` * ``PIE`` and ``NX`` are abstracted through the :attr:`~lief.Binary.is_pie` and :attr:`~lief.Binary.has_nx` properties * Add the :meth:`` and :meth:`lief.Section.search_all` methods to look for patterns in the section's content. :ELF: * ``DT_FLAGS`` and ``DT_FLAGS_1`` are now parsed into :class:`~lief.ELF.DynamicEntryFlags` - :commit:`754b8afa2b41993e6c37d2d9003cebdccc641d23` * Handle relocations of object files (``.o``) - :commit:`483b8dc2eabee3da29ce5e5ff2e25c2a3c9ca297` * Global enhancement of the ELF builder: One can now add **multiple** :class:`~lief.ELF.Section` or :class:`~lief.ELF.Segment` into an ELF: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("/bin/cat") for i in range(3): segment = Segment() segment.type = SEGMENT_TYPES.LOAD segment.content = [i & 0xFF] * 0x1000 elf += segment for i in range(3): section = Section("lief_{:02d}".format(i)) section.content = [i & 0xFF] * 0x1000 elf += section elf.write("foo") .. code-block:: console $ readelf -l ./foo PHDR 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x00000000000061f8 0x00000000000061f8 R E 0x8 INTERP 0x0000000000006238 0x0000000000006238 0x0000000000006238 0x000000000000001c 0x000000000000001c R 0x1 [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/] LOAD 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000d6d4 0x000000000000d6d4 R E 0x200000 LOAD 0x000000000000da90 0x000000000020da90 0x000000000020da90 0x0000000000000630 0x00000000000007d0 RW 0x200000 LOAD 0x000000000000f000 0x000000000040f000 0x000000000040f000 0x0000000000001000 0x0000000000001000 0x1000 LOAD 0x0000000000010000 0x0000000000810000 0x0000000000810000 0x0000000000001000 0x0000000000001000 0x1000 LOAD 0x0000000000011000 0x0000000001011000 0x0000000001011000 0x0000000000001000 0x0000000000001000 0x1000 .... $ readelf -S ./foo ... [27] lief_00 PROGBITS 0000000002012000 00012000 0000000000001000 0000000000000000 0 0 4096 [28] lief_01 PROGBITS 0000000004013000 00013000 0000000000001000 0000000000000000 0 0 4096 [29] lief_02 PROGBITS 0000000008014000 00014000 0000000000001000 0000000000000000 0 0 4096 .. warning:: There are issues with executables statically linked with libraries that use ``TLS`` See: :issue:`98` One can now add **multiple** entries in the dynamic table: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("/bin/cat") elf.add_library("") elf.add(DynamicEntryRunPath("$ORIGIN")) elf.add(DynamicEntry(DYNAMIC_TAGS.INIT, 123)) elf.add(DynamicSharedObject("")) elf.write("foo") .. code-block:: console $ readelf -d foo 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [] 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [] 0x000000000000000c (INIT) 0x7b 0x000000000000000c (INIT) 0x3600 ... 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH) Bibliothèque runpath:[$ORIGIN] 0x000000000000000e (SONAME) Bibliothèque soname: [] See :commit:`b94900ca7f500912bfe249cd534055942e28e34b`, :commit:`1e410e6c950c391f0d1a3f12cb6f8e4c9fb16539` for details. * :commit:`b2d36940f60eacfa602c115cb542e11c70b6841c` enables modification of the ELF interpreter without **length restriction** .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("/bin/cat") elf.interpreter = "/a/very/long/path/to/another/interpreter" elf.write("foo") .. code-block:: console $ readelf -l foo Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align PHDR 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x00000000000011f8 0x00000000000011f8 R E 0x8 INTERP 0x000000000000a000 0x000000000040a000 0x000000000040a000 0x0000000000001000 0x0000000000001000 R 0x1 [Requesting program interpreter: /a/very/long/path/to/another/interpreter] .... * Enhancement of the dynamic symbols counting - :commit:`985d1249b72494a0e62f34042b3c9cbfa0706e90` * Enable editing ELF's notes: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.parse("/bin/ls") build_id = elf[NOTE_TYPES.BUILD_ID] build_id.description = [0xFF] * 20 elf.write("foo") .. code-block:: console $ readelf -n foo Displaying notes found in: Owner Data size Description GNU 0x00000014 NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring) Build ID: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff See commit :commit:`3be9dd0ff58ec68cb8813e01d6798c16b42dac22` for more details :PE: * Add :func:`~lief.PE.get_imphash` and :func:`~lief.PE.resolve_ordinals` functions - :commit:`a89bc6df4f242d7641292acdb184927449d14fff`, :commit:`dfa8e985c0561427a20088750693a004de587b1c` * Parse the *Load Config Table* into :class:`~lief.PE.LoadConfiguration` (up to Windows 10 SDK 15002 with *hotpatch_table_offset*) .. code-block:: python from lief import to_json import json pe = lief.parse("some.exe") loadconfig = to_json(pe.load_configuration)) # Using the lief.to_json function pprint(json.loads(to_json(loadconfig))) .. code-block:: javascript {'characteristics': 248, 'code_integrity': {'catalog': 0, 'catalog_offset': 0, 'flags': 0, 'reserved': 0}, 'critical_section_default_timeout': 0, 'csd_version': 0, 'editlist': 0, ... 'guard_cf_check_function_pointer': 5368782848, 'guard_cf_dispatch_function_pointer': 5368782864, 'guard_cf_function_count': 15, 'guard_cf_function_table': 5368778752, 'guard_flags': 66816, 'guard_long_jump_target_count': 0, 'guard_long_jump_target_table': 0, 'guard_rf_failure_routine': 5368713280, 'guard_rf_failure_routine_function_pointer': 5368782880, ... For details, see commit: :commit:`0234e3b8bbb6f6f3490392f8c295fde284a99334` :MachO: * The ``dyld`` structure is parsed (deeply) into :class:`~lief.MachO.DyldInfo`. It includes: * Binding opcodes * Rebases opcodes * Export trie See: :commit:`e2b81e0a8e187cae5f0f115241243a84ee7696b6`, :commit:`0e972d69ce35731867d82c047eef7eb9ea58e3ec`, :commit:`f7cc518dcfbb0557fd8d396144bf99a222d96705`, :commit:`782295bfb86d2a12584c5b16a37a26d56d1ee235`, :issue:`67` * Section relocations are now parsed into :attr:`lief.MachO.Section.relocations` - :commit:`29c8157ecc3b308bd521cb1daee3c2e3a2cffb28` * ``LC_FUNCTION_STARTS`` is parsed into :class:`~lief.MachO.FunctionStarts` (:commit:`18d89198a0cc63ff291ae9110f465354c3b8f1e6`) * ``LC_SOURCE_VERSION``, ``LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX`` and ``LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS`` are parsed into :class:`~lief.MachO.SourceVersion` and :class:`~lief.MachO.VersionMin` (:commit:`c359778194db874669884aaccb52a4b05546bc07`, :commit:`0b4bb7d56520cd0ea08bbcb9530e5e0c96ac14ae`, :commit:`5b993117ed391db18ba775cabefa5f3981b2f1cc`, :issue:`45`) * ``LC_THREAD`` and ``LC_UNIXTHREAD`` are now parsed into :class:`~lief.MachO.ThreadCommand` - :commit:`23257830b291c40a3aed92360040f2b0b11ffa72` Fixes ***** Fix enums conflicts(:issue:`32`) - :commit:`66b4cd4550ecf6cf3adb4900e6ad7ac33f1f7f32` Fix most of the memory leaks: :commit:`88dafa8db6e752393f69d73f68d295e91963b8da`, :commit:`d9b1436730b5d33a753e7dfa4301697a0c676066`, :commit:`554fa153af943b97a16fc4a52ab8459a3d0a9bc7`, :commit:`3602643f5d02a1c78c4de609cc47f193f3a8840f` :ELF: * Bug Fix when counting dynamic symbols from the GnuHash Table - :commit:`9036a2405dc44726f40cb77cab1bcbf371ab7a70` :PE: * Fix nullptr dereference in resources - :commit:`e90fe1b6c6f6a605390bcd1026435ce7503e7e6a` * Handle encoding issues in the Python API - `8c7ceaf `_ * Sanitize DLL names :MachO: * Fix :issue:`87`, :issue:`92` * Fix memory leaks and *some* performance issues: :issue:`94` API *** In the C++ API ``get_XXX()`` getters have been renamed into ``XXX()`` (e.g. ``get_header()`` becomes ``header()``) - :commit:`a4c69f7868da1de5d09aa26e977dedb720e36cbd`, :commit:`e805669865b130057413f456958a471d8f0ac0b1` :Abstract: * :class:`lief.Binary` gains the :attr:`~lief.Binary.format` property - :commit:`9391238f114fe963890777c2d8b90f2caaa5510c` * :func:`lief.parse` can now takes a list of integers - :commit:`f330fa887d14d47f0683144430ac9695d3136561` * Add :meth:`~lief.Binary.has_symbol` and :meth:`~lief.Binary.get_symbol` to :class:`lief.Binary` - :commit:`f121af5ca61a22fd83acc5c7094b50ed1cda8226` * [Python API] Enhance the access to the abstract layer through the :attr:`~lief.Binary.abstract` attribute - :commit:`07138549a46db87c7b924fd072356030b1d5c6bc` One can now do: .. code-block:: python elf = lief.ELF.parse("/bin/ls") # Could be lief.MachO / lief.PE abstract = elf.abstract # Return the lief.Binary object :ELF: * Relocation gains the :attr:`~lief.ELF.Relocation.purpose` property - :commit:`b7b0bde4d51c54d8d226e5320b1b0d2cc48137c4` * Add :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.symbols` which return an iterator over **all** symbols (static and dynamic) - :commit:`af6ab65dc91169627f4fbb87cda92093eb699a1e` * ``Header.sizeof_section_header`` has been renamed into :attr:`~lief.ELF.Header.section_header_size` - :commit:`d96971b0c3f8ff50add349957f571b8daa00708a` * ``Segment.flag`` has been renamed into :attr:`~lief.ELF.Segment.flags` - :commit:`20a5f666deb89b06b79a1c4418ac938497fb658c` * Add: * :attr:`~lief.ELF.Header.arm_flags_list`, * :attr:`~lief.ELF.Header.mips_flags_list` * :attr:`~lief.ELF.Header.ppc64_flags_list` * :attr:`~lief.ELF.Header.hexagon_flags_list` to :class:`~lief.ELF.Header` - :commit:`730d045e05dca7ef3cd6a51d1175f280be356c70` To check if a given flag is set, one can do: .. code-block:: python >>> if lief.ELF.ARM_EFLAGS.EABI_VER5 in lief.ELF.Header "yes" else "no" * [Python] Segment flags: ``PF_X``, ``PF_W``, ``PF_X`` has been renamed into :attr:`~lief.ELF.SEGMENT_FLAGS.X`, :attr:`~lief.ELF.SEGMENT_FLAGS.W`, :attr:`~lief.ELF.SEGMENT_FLAGS.X` - :commit:`d70ef9ec2c42619434352dbd7b74a835ebad7569` * Add :attr:`lief.ELF.Section.flags_list` - :commit:`4937b7193a5760df85d0ac1567afc011a22cdb98` * Enhancement for :attr:`~lief.ELF.DynamicEntryRpath` and :attr:`~lief.ELF.DynamicEntryRunPath`: :commit:`c375a47da7c4c524e886f9238f8dd51a44501087` * Enhancement for :attr:`~lief.ELF.DynamicEntryArray`: :commit:`81440ce00cdfc793161a0dc394ada345307dc24b` * Add some *operators* :commit:`3b200b30503847be4779447c76f5207d18daf77f`, :commit:`43bd06f8f32196454ee2305201f4e27b3a3c8a1e` :PE: * Add some *operators* :commit:`5666351e07b7bf4a9624033f670d02b8806d2663` :MachO: * :func:`lief.MachO.parse` can now takes a list of integers - :commit:`f330fa887d14d47f0683144430ac9695d3136561` * :func:`lief.MachO.parse` now returns a :class:`~lief.MachO.FatBinary` instead of a ``list`` of :class:`~lief.MachO.Binary`. :class:`~lief.MachO.FatBinary` has a similar API as a list - :commit:`3602643f5d02a1c78c4de609cc47f193f3a8840f` * Add some *operators*: :commit:`cbe835484751396daffe7f8d238cbb85d66470ab` :Logging: Add an API to configure the logger - :commit:`4600c2ba8d7d17b5965c2b74faeb7e4d2128de17` Example: .. code-block:: python from lief import Logger Logger.disable() Logger.enable() Logger.set_level(lief.LOGGING_LEVEL.INFO) See: :class:`lief.Logger` Build system ************ * Add `FindLIEF.cmake `_ - :commit:`6dd8b10325e832a7520bf5ae3a588b9e022d0345` * Add ASAN, TSAN, USAN, LSAN - :commit:`7f6aeb0d0d74eae886f4b312e12e8f71e1d5da6a` * Add LibFuzzer - :commit:`7a0dc28ea29a30209e944ebcde27f7c0ab234651` Documentation ************* :References: * recomposer, bearparser, IAT_patcher, PEframe, Manalyze, MachOView, elf-dissector Acknowledgements **************** * :github_user:`alvarofe` for :pr:`47` * :github_user:`aguinet` for :pr:`55`, :pr:`61`, :pr:`65`, :pr:`77` * :github_user:`jevinskie` for :pr:`75` * :github_user:`liumuqing` for :pr:`80` * :github_user:`Manouchehri` for :pr:`106` 0.7.0 - July 3, 2017 --------------------- Features ******** :Abstract Layer: * Add bitness (32bits / 64bits) - :commit:`78d1adb41e8b0d21a6f6fe94014753ce68e0ffa1` * Add object type (Library, executable etc) - :commit:`78d1adb41e8b0d21a6f6fe94014753ce68e0ffa1` * Add *mode* Thumbs, 16bits etc - :commit:`78d1adb41e8b0d21a6f6fe94014753ce68e0ffa1` * Add endianness - :commit:`7ea08f72c43212f2e3f401b5c2c2614bc9aab8de`, :issue:`29` :ELF: * Enable dynamic symbols permutation - :commit:`2dea7cb6d631b69995567e056a97e526f588b8ff` * Fully handle section-less binaries - :commit:`de40c068316b3334e4c8d81ecb3efc177ab24c3b` * Parse ELF notes - :commit:`241aac7bedaf18ab5e3f0c9775a8a51cb0b40a3e` * Parse SYSV hash table - :commit:`afa74cee88f730acef84fe6d9c984455a28463e7`, :issue:`36` * Add relocation size - :commit:`f1766f2c297caed636c7f32730cd10b62bfcc757` :PE: * Parse PE Overlay - :commit:`e0634c1cf6d12fbdc5bcc1745059005e46e5d805` * Enable PE Hooking - :commit:`24f6b7213647469e269ead9441d78204162d08ec` * Parse and rebuilt dos stub - :commit:`3f0639712617007e2e0431cb5eeb9be204c5d74b` * Add a *resources manager* to provide an enhanced API over the resources - :commit:`8473c8e126f2a8f14728ad3f8ebb59c45ac55d2d` * Serialize PE objects into JSON - :commit:`673f5a36f0d339ad9390427292fa6e725b8fd907`, :issue:`18` * Parse Rich Header - :commit:`0893bd9b08f2248ae8f656ccd81b1be12e8ae57e`, :issue:`15` Bug Fixes ********* :ELF: * Bug fix when a GNU hash has empty buckets - `21a6c30 `_ :PE: * Bug fix in the signature parser: :issue:`30`, :commit:`4af0256ce7c5577e0b1010c6f9b566634f0a3993` * Bug fix in the resources parser: Infinite loop - :commit:`a569cc13d99354ff96932460f5b1fd859378f252` * Add more *out-of-bounds* checks on relocations and exports - :commit:`9364f644e937a6a5d69c64c2ef4eaa1fbdd2cfad` * Use ``min(SizeOfRawData, VirtualSize)`` for the section's size and truncate the size to the file size - :commit:`61bf14ba1182fe458453599ff014de5d71d25680` :MachO: * Bug fix when a binary hasn't a ``LC_MAIN`` command - :commit:`957501fe76596e0396c66d08540884876cea049c` API *** :Abstract Layer: * :attr:`lief.Header.is_32` and :attr:`lief.Header.is_64` * :attr:`lief.Header.object_type` * :attr:`lief.Header.modes` * :attr:`lief.Header.endianness` :ELF: * :meth:`lief.ELF.Binary.permute_dynamic_symbols` * ```` has been renamed to :attr:`lief.ELF.Segment.content` * :func:`lief.ELF.parse` takes an optional parameters: symbol counting - :class:`lief.ELF.DYNSYM_COUNT_METHODS` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Relocation.size` :Notes: * :class:`lief.ELF.Note` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.has_notes` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.notes` :Hash Tables: * :class:`lief.ELF.SysvHash` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.use_gnu_hash` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.use_sysv_hash` * :attr:`lief.ELF.Binary.sysv_hash` :PE: * :attr:`lief.PE.Symbol.has_section` * :meth:`lief.PE.Binary.hook_function` * :meth:`lief.PE.Binary.get_content_from_virtual_address` takes either an **Absolute** virtual address or a **Relative** virtual address * ``lief.PE.Binary.section_from_virtual_address`` has been renamed to :meth:`lief.PE.Binary.section_from_rva`. * ``lief.PE.parse_from_raw`` has been removed. One can use :func:`lief.PE.parse`. * ```` has been **removed**. Please use :attr:`lief.PE.Section.content` :Dos Stub: * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.dos_stub` * :attr:`lief.PE.Builder.build_dos_stub` :Rich Header: * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.rich_header` * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.has_rich_header` * :class:`lief.PE.RichHeader` * :class:`lief.PE.RichEntry` :Overlay: * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.overlay` * :attr:`lief.PE.Builder.build_overlay` :Imports: * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.has_import` * :meth:`lief.PE.Binary.get_import` :Resources: * :attr:`lief.PE.Binary.resources` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceData` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceDirectory` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceNode` * :class:`lief.PE.LangCodeItem` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceDialog` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceDialogItem` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceFixedFileInfo` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceIcon` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceStringFileInfo` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceVarFileInfo` * :class:`lief.PE.ResourceVersion` :MachO: * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.has_entrypoint` * :attr:`lief.MachO.Symbol.demangled_name` :UUID: * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.has_uuid` * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.uuid` * :class:`lief.MachO.UUIDCommand` :Main Command: * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.has_main_command` * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.main_command` * :class:`lief.MachO.MainCommand` :Dylinker: * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.has_dylinker` * :attr:`lief.MachO.Binary.dylinker` * :class:`lief.MachO.DylinkerCommand` Documentation ************* :References: * elfsteem, pelook, PortEx, elfsharp, metasm, amoco, Goblin :Tutorials: * `PE Hooking `_, `Resources Manipulation `_ :Integration: * `XCode `_, `CMake `_ Acknowledgements **************** * `ek0 `_: :pr:`24` * `ACSC-CyberLab `_: :pr:`33`, :pr:`34`, :pr:`37`, :pr:`39` * Hyrum Anderson who pointed bugs in the PE parser * My collegues for the feedbacks and suggestions (Adrien, SebK, Pierrick) 0.6.1 - April 6, 2017 ---------------------- Bug Fixes ********* :ELF: * Don't rely on :attr:`lief.ELF.Section.entry_size` to count symbols - :commit:`004c6769bec37e303bbe7aaceb49f4b05c8eec84` API *** :PE: * :attr:`lief.PE.TLS.has_section` * :attr:`lief.PE.TLS.has_data_directory` Documentation ************* :Integration: * `Visual Studio `_ Acknowledgements **************** * `Philippe `_ for the proofreading. 0.6.0 - March 30, 2017 ---------------------- First public release